Author: Active Ergonomics

Taking a Stand for Sitting

These days 1 out of every 4 assessments ask about a standing work desk. Standing while working on the computer has become the latest trend in office ergonomics. There are numerous articles, websites, and blogs proclaiming that sitting all day is the equivalent of smoking,...

The Mouse- Friend or Foe?

When you think of the word mouse, the image of a cute little furry creature might pop into your head; or to some a beady eyed pest. But, if you’re an office worker, you probably are thinking of the small apparatus that the palm of...

A Chair is Not Just a Chair

A chair is not just a chair.  I wish I had a dollar for every time a client thought their investment in a chair was the tell all to paint the best ergonomic picture.  What a farce?  What a miscommunication with the American public.  How...

What’s Your Line?

Everyone who is old enough remembers the television show called “What’s My Line?” It was a great show where celebrities guessed what the occupation was of a person by asking them multiple questions. If they could not guess then the person won prizes. It was...

The Big Picture

Every day is another opportunity to serve the world. I am tasked with being an ergonomic servant, if we all could be so blessed. An opportunity to help someone in a way that is so simple, it could change their life. Well not everyone sees...
